All manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the journal’s official online system. After submission, all of the manscripts are evaluated by the edior-in-chief for their scientific contribution, originality and content. Manuscripts are evaluated in accordance with the principles of double-blinded peer review. Editor-in-chief makes the initial decision based on manuscript’s quality and editorial priorities. Manuscripts may be rejected without peer review by the editor-in-chief if they are beyond the scope of the journal. After editor-in-chief’s decision, manuscripts are technically evaluated. At that stage, all manuscripts not prepared in the format provided on the journal’s website will return to the authors. Technical editors also check similarity of the manuscript. Any manuscript with a similarity index that is higher than the permitted threshold (>%25) will return to authors.
Manuscripts considered to be scientifically adequate, technically suitable and that pass the initial evaluation, are assigned to at least two reviewers for external peer review, to be evaluated in accordance with the principles of double-blinded peer review. The coordinating editors send the manuscript to reviewers. These reviewers are independent experts and members of the editorial board who have published internationally on the topic of the manuscript. Research articles, systematic reviews and meta-analyses might be also evaluated by the Statistics editor, if editor in chief and/or reviewers ask any statistical evaluation.
All of the manuscripts are scanned by the Editor-in-Chief’s Office using the iThenticate program for determination of plagiarism and non-ethical situations. Also, all manuscripts are reviewed and edited for compliance with the rules of English grammar. All contributing authors of a manuscript accepted for publication are deemed to have accepted the right of editors to make corrections provided that no fundamental change is made to the basic meaning of the original text. The Coordinating Editor recommends a decision based on the reviewers’ recommendations and returns the manuscript to the Editor-in-Chief.
The Editor-in-Chief makes a final decision based on editorial priorities, manuscript quality, and reviewer recommendations. If there are any conflicting recommendations from reviewers, the Editor-in-Chief can assign a new reviewer. Manuscripts not accorded priority for publication by the Editor-in-Chief, Editors and Reviewers are rejected.
After a manuscript has been accepted for publication, the author will not be permitted to make any changes that constitute departures from the manuscript that was accepted by the editor. Before publication, the galley proofs are always sent to the authors for corrections. Mistakes or omissions that occur due to some negligence on our part during final printing will be rectified in an errata section in a later issue. This does not include those errors left uncorrected by the author in the galley proof.