INTRODUCTION: Breast milk is the ideal food for babies and breastfeeding infants for the first six months is important for infant health. A mother's breastfeeding behavior depends on several factors, such as the social position and employment status of the mother.
METHODS: This study is a qualitative study conducted in Eskişehir Osmangazi University (ESOGU) office workers and cleaning staff. This study was carried out to reveal the effects of working in a paid job on breastfeeding using the feelings, thoughts and experiences of nursing women working as office workers and cleaning staff. ESOGU has 1106 women as working staff. The research population consisted of 45 (4.1%) women who have been working as office staff and cleaning workers between September 1, 2014, and March 01, 2015, had infants under two years old and returned to work life.
RESULTS: This research was conducted at ESOGU with 35 women. The findings showed that the maternity leave and breastfeeding rights of the women employed were insufficient and this situation had a negative effect on the breastfeeding.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: It was determined that working women in workers’ status have fewer rights than civil servants. As a result, breastfeeding room deficiencies should be completed. The recognition of equal rights to all women during the breastfeeding periods is strongly recommended.