E-ISSN 2651-3455 (Online) | ISSN 2630-5593 (Print)
The Anatolian Journal of Family Medicine - anatol j fm: 7 (3)
Volume: 7 Issue: 3 - 2024
1. | Front Matter
Pages I - VIII
2. | From The Editor
Page 1
3. | Follow-up Status of Patients Referring to Secondary and Tertiary Hospitals in Family Health Centers Sonay Gökçeoğlu, Mehmet Reşat Ceylan, Emine Beyaz doi: 10.5505/ajfamed.2025.81994 Pages 88 - 96
4. | Utilization of Primary Healthcare Services in Türkiye and Its Impact on Health Expenditures: A Study Based on Dermatology Outpatient Clinic Data Zeynep Karaca Ural, Nuran Merve Sahin, Zeynep Utlu, Sevinç Sütlü doi: 10.5505/ajfamed.2025.42714 Pages 97 - 101
5. | Evaluation of Knee Functionality and Frailty in Individuals 65 Years and Older in Primary Care: A Cross-Sectional Study Esranur Yayın, Hasan Esad Yayın doi: 10.5505/ajfamed.2025.47955 Pages 102 - 107
6. | The Evaluation of the Vaccine Hesitancy among Parents of Children Aged 0-14 Serhat Fatih Keser, İlhami Ünlüoğlu doi: 10.5505/anatoljfm.2025.03880 Pages 108 - 114
7. | Side Effects of Long-Term Inhaled Corticosteroid Use in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Fatma Ceren Gürel, Deniz Bilici, Esra Ertan Yazar, Burcu Arpinar Yigitbas, Coşkun Doğan, Hacer Hicran Mutlu, Mehmet Sargın doi: 10.5505/ajfamed.2024.43531 Pages 115 - 120
8. | Clinical Insights and Multidisciplinary Tertiary Prevention in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy: A Case Report Alisha Handa, Abhay Gaidhane, Sonali G. Choudhari doi: 10.5505/ajfamed.2024.46220 Pages 121 - 123
9. | Multidrug-Resistant Microorganism as a Cause of Urinary Tract Infection in Primary Care Javier Guinea Castañares, Gloria Martínez Iniesta, Irune Natalia Elizondo Pinillos, Jesus Iturralde Iriso doi: 10.5505/ajfamed.2024.63634 Pages 124 - 125
10. | Management of Type 1 Diabetes with Advanced Technology Gopal Singh Charan, Raman Kalia, Maninderjit Kaur doi: 10.5505/ajfamed.2025.80664 Pages 126 - 127