E-ISSN 2651-3455 (Online) | ISSN 2630-5593 (Print)
The Anatolian Journal of Family Medicine - anatol j fm: 7 (1)
Volume: 7  Issue: 1 - 2024
1. Front Matter

Pages I - VIII

2. From The Editor
Mustafa Reşat Dabak
Page 1
Abstract |Full Text PDF

3. Clinicians’ Beliefs and Attitudes about Patient Activation: Validation of the Turkish Clinician Support for Patient Activation Measure by Rasch Analysis
Ercan Kulak, Seyhan Hıdıroğlu, Judith Hibbard, Nadiye Pınar Ay
doi: 10.5505/anatoljfm.2024.02986  Pages 2 - 8

4. Scabies: A Growing Concern for Public Health
Suzan Şahin, Bülent Kaya, Ahmet Güldü
doi: 10.5505/ajfamed.2024.10820  Pages 9 - 12

5. Validity and Reliability of the Turkish Version of the Modified COVID-19 Yorkshire Rehabilitation Scale
Murat Doğan, Nazlı Celik, Naime Meriç Konar
doi: 10.5505/ajfamed.2024.09797  Pages 13 - 20

6. Depression, Anxiety, Sleep Quality, and Biological Rhythms between Patients with COVID-19
Uğur Eray, Serhat Tunç, Ediz Tütüncü
doi: 10.5505/anatoljfm.2024.42204  Pages 21 - 30

7. Two Cases of Chilaiditi Syndrome: Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Presentation
Ali Rıza Say, Hamdullah Güzel, Suna Şahin Ediz, Hüseyin Çetin, Engin Ersin Şimşek
doi: 10.5505/anatoljfm.2024.07769  Pages 31 - 33

8. Achilles Tendon Rupture in a Patient Presenting with Pain in the Ankle: A Case Report
Gülşah Onur, Halise Keçik Özcan, Fahri Acar, Hilal Aksoy, Duygu Ayhan Başer
doi: 10.5505/anatoljfm.2024.17894  Pages 34 - 36

9. Breaking the Mold: Encouraging Student-led Facilitation in Medical Education to Transform Learners into Leaders
Saurabh Rambiharilal Shrivastava, Rasdita Nurhidayati
doi: 10.5505/ajfamed.2024.02886  Pages 37 - 40

10. Revolutionizing Clinical Training by Overcoming the Challenges Involved in the Implementation of the Learner-doctor Method
Saurabh Rambiharilal Shrivastava, Prateek Saurabh Shrivastava
doi: 10.5505/ajfamed.2024.44153  Pages 41 - 43

11. WONCA Europe’s New Family Medicine Definition and Sustainable Healthcare Knowledge
Ana Cristina Franco Spínola, Ikbal Humay Arman, Zineb Bentounsi, Carolina Cordovil, Özden Gökdemir
doi: 10.5505/anatoljfm.2024.91885  Pages 44 - 45
Abstract |Full Text PDF

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