1. | From the Editor Mustafa Reşat Dabak Page 1 Abstract | |
2. | Healthy Living Behaviors In University Students And Related Factors Albena Gayef doi: 10.5505/anatoljfm.2018.43534 Pages 2 - 6 Today, health is considered to be a biopsychosocial, that is to say, a complete good of individuals, which also means an increase in quality of life and satisfaction. Healthy living behavior is the control of all behaviors that are applied to protect against diseases affecting individual health and the individual choosing behaviors that are appropriate to his / her health conditions in regulating daily activities. In this review, it is aimed to present healthy living behavior, importance of healthy living behavior, research results on healthy living behavior and related factors and make suggestions about healthy living behavior. |
3. | Migrant Health Care Services Provided by Public Sector in Turkey Memet Taşkın Egici doi: 10.5505/anatoljfm.2018.29494 Pages 7 - 12 Persons who take refuge into other countries for various reasons are defined as migrants, asylum seekers or refugees according to their legal status. Although the legal status is different, the social problems are similar. Asylum seekers and refugees are among the most vulnerable groups in terms of health as they have challenging living conditions, housing and nutrition-related problems as well as difficulties in communication and transport and in accessing to health care and social support services. Our country is constantly facing immigration because of its geographical location, social structure and historical background. Due to the civil war in Syria, our country which has been facing massive migration since 2011. According to 2017 data from United Nations Refugee Organization, Turkey hosts the largest number of refugees granted temporary protection. According to Disaster and Emergency Management Authority's reports, the current number of Syrians registered in Turkey is 3.545.293. Turkey also hosts more than 300.000 people from other nationalities. Although huge migrant health problem, a big effort is made to provide services and these very comprehensive preventive and curative health care services are largely provided by the Ministry of Health. The general coordination of disasters and emergencies is carried out by the Disaster and Emergency Management Authority. Health care services are carried out under the coordination of the Directorate General of Migration Management of the Ministry of Interior and operated by Presidency of Migration Health Department under the General Directorate of Public Health of MoH. In order to prevent any adverse impact on the health status of both the migrants and the Turkish people, studies on infectious and non-infectious diseases should continue and the registration and surveillance systems should be reviewed. The number of Migrant Health Care Centers should be increased; communication and guidance facilities should be established and cooperation with NGOs should be improved. |
4. | It Could Have Been Protected but Wasn’t Ahmet Rıza Şahin, Ahmet Melih Şahin, Selçuk Nazik, Nadide Mercan, Hacer Kandilcik, Selma Ateş doi: 10.5505/anatoljfm.2018.21931 Pages 13 - 18 INTRODUCTION: Introduction: Percutaneous injuries create shared occupational risk for all health workers. These injuries can lead to a loss of workforce and a decrease in the quality of health services by causing physical and psychiatric disorders. Our study aimed to identify the epidemiology of incised wounds that have occurred within the past four years effectiveness of preventive measures at the Kahramanmaraş Sütçü İmam University Faculty of Medicine Hospital. METHODS: Method This research was carried out with the retrospective study of incised wound cases that occurred at the KSU Faculty of Medicine Hospital between January 1, 2013 and December 31, 2016. Health personnel were examined in terms of gender, professional group, form of injury, locations of injury, compliance with protective barriers used, and precautions taken. The acquired data were evaluated in Microsoft Excel using numerical and percentage calculations. RESULTS: Findings: Of the injured health personnel, 61% were women and 39% were men. Of the group of injured personnel comprises nurses with 39% (94), followed by intern nurses 27% (65), sanitation personnel with 24% (56), doctors with 8% (18), three laboratory technicians, and two data-entry personnel. The most frequently injured bodily region was the left hand with 51.2% (122), followed by the right hand with 43.6% (104). The most frequent injury took place while covering the tip of a needle with 36%. No type of protective equipment was used for 71% of the health personnel who were included in the study. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Results: The fact that the most injuries occurred in nursing and sanitation personnel in the study produced the result of the provision of the education necessary to minimize contact with hands of cutting and perforating tools and for the propagation of the use of medical waste containers that provide for distancing the waste materials used, because the most frequent form of injury was recapping needle points. That there was high noncompliance with the use of protective equipment revealed that health workers needed to be subjected to certain, periodic training. In addition to this, the care for injuries and the provision of training in which the infection control committee needed to be referred to in situations of injury was brought to the forefront. |
5. | The Comparasion of Bone Mineral Density Between Male Smokers and Non-Smokers Rahime Merve Uçar, Kamile Marakoğlu, Gonca Kara Gedik, Muhammet Kızmaz, Funda Levendoğlu doi: 10.5505/anatoljfm.2018.03511 Pages 19 - 26 INTRODUCTION: Osteoporosis is one of the health issues caused by smoking. Osteoporosis is the most commonly seen bone disease and becoming a major public health issue due to rise of death age.Studies on detection of smoking related osteoporosis in males are limited in our country. Therefore we intended to assess the effects smoking on bone mineral density in middle age male patients alongside with related factors. METHODS: Our study is a case control type analytical research. We included 144 male 30-60 aged smoker patient and 100 male never smoked. BMD of the patients' lumbar vertebrae (L1-3 and L2-4) and proximal femur (femur total, femur trochanter and wards triangle) regions of the individuals were measured anteroposteriorly by using dual energy x-ray absorptiometer (DXA) method. Serum Ca, P, ALP, PTH and total vitamin D levels of the samples were studied. RESULTS: L1-L4 lumbar spine bone mineral density mean, femoral neck bone mineral density mean, femoral trochanter bone mineral density mean and total femoral bone mineral density mean were significantly lower in case group than control group, according to DXA measurements (p=0,017 p=0,047 p=0,005 p=0,009). There was slightly strong correlation and negative statistically significant difference between femoral trochanter BMD and both cigarette consumption (per-day) and packets.year (r: -0,153, p=0,017 r: -0,142, p=0,027).Mean serum calcium levels were significantly higher in case group than control group (p=0,018). DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: We can conclude that bone mineral density decreasing effects of smoking. |
6. | The Significance of Electronic Health Records to Reduction of Patient Safety Events in Hospitals Akinade Akindele doi: 10.5505/anatoljfm.2018.09709 Pages 27 - 32 INTRODUCTION: The alarming rate of occurrence of Patients Safety Events (PSEs) with all its ugly consequences is fast becoming a global emergency requiring well-coordinated and resolute intervention strategy to mitigate. PSEs are a daily occurrence in hospitals worldwide and it affects several of millions of patients yearly. This Research Project was aimed at examining and determining ‘The Significance of Electronic Health Records to Reduction of Patients Safety Events in Hospitals’. METHODS: The relationship between EHR and PSEs was determined through a positivist epistemology using the Survey methodology and quantitative method of research. RESULTS: The researcher hypothesis was confirmed with the majority 48.6% and 41.8% of respondents agreeing and strongly agreeing respectively to this claim. The majority 52.4% respondents also strongly agree that the adoption of EHR in hospitals will guarantee an improved quality of care, improved population’s health and improved efficiency of the health care system generally. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: The study affirmed that the above can only be achieved with a ‘good’ EHR system and a stable power supply. A ‘good’ EHR system is that which contains all the EHR elements i.e. PD, CPOE, CDSS, and CDR. This is the sure pathway to the much-desired safety in our hospitals. |
7. | Awareness Regarding Pelvic Organ Prolapse Among Women Attending A Teaching Hospital In Chitwan Taniya Thapa, Sunita Subedi, Alisha Joshi, Shakuntala Chapagain, Sirjana Shrestha doi: 10.5505/anatoljfm.2019.58077 Pages 33 - 37 INTRODUCTION: Pelvic organ prolapse is the descent of one or more of the pelvic structures from the normal anatomic location toward or through the vaginal opening influencing the quality of life of women particularly among adults and old women in developing countries. We aim to assess the awareness regarding pelvic organ prolapsed among women attending in a teaching hospital, Chitwan so that necessary awareness program could be recommended if found unsatisfactory. METHODS: A descriptive cross sectional study was done among 110 women attending Gynae OPD of Chitwan Medical College Teaching Hospital, Chitwan who participated voluntarily in face to face interview that used structured questionnaire from 1st July to 5th August,2018 selected using consecutive sampling technique. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics like frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-square and fisher exact test. RESULTS: Among 110 respondents the median age was 37 years, 31.8% were from the ages between 31-40 years. Majority of the respondents were literate, 47.3%were housewife, 51.8% had first child between the ages of 20-24 years, 46.4% had two children, 33.6% had abortion, 49.1% had heard about pelvic organ prolapse from friends and relatives and 6.4% were diagnosed with pelvic organ prolapse and among the diagnosed 28.6% had received treatment, 65.5%were aware regarding pelvic organ prolapse and age of having first child was significantly associated (p=0.002) with the level of awareness. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: In conclusion more than half of the women were aware regarding pelvic organ prolapse. Further awareness program can be conducted at rural settings by FCHVs and health workers to enhance the awareness level regarding pelvic organ prolapse among women. |
8. | Prevalence of Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in patients with Parkinson Disease Selahattin Vural, Muhammed Ali Ayvaz, Tuğrul Kesicioğlu, Selim Turfan, Arzu Ayraler, Ahmet Cumhur Dülger doi: 10.5505/anatoljfm.2018.58066 Pages 38 - 40 INTRODUCTION: Non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has presented as the most common cause of chronic liver disease in the Western world. Parkinson disease (PD) is the second most common non-demyelinizan neurologic disase and its incidence is steadily increasing in the world. Our study aims to analyze the prevalence of ultrasonography-proven NAFLD among the PD patients. METHODS: A retrospective chart review was performed to identify PD patients who had at least two visits in the Liver Clinic from January 2017 to May 2018. Thus, 124 consecutive patients (the mean age 74,2±11,9years; 65 female) with PD was longitudinally screened for NAFLD which were diagnosed according to ultrasonographic criteria. Control subjects (65 subjects, mean age was 68±3.4 years; 35 female) were selected from age-matched eldely subjects. Demographic and laboratory data, concurrent statin use and results of hepatobiliary ultrasonography were collected. Patients with history of chronic liver disase, liver transplant, past alcohol use or not enough data to stage NAFLD were excluded. Data analyzed using Pearson’s chi-squared test with the Stata software. RESULTS: Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease prevalence was significantly lower in the PD group than in the age -matched control group (21% vs. 36%, P<0.05). In multiple logistic regression analyses using baseline factors, statin use (P=0.04) and elevated Hb A 1 C (P<0.001), baseline fasting glucose below than 100 mg/dL (P=0.03), and elevated ALT levels (P<0.001) were independently associated with NAFLD. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: While additional studies in large populations are needed to investigate the correlation between PD and NAFLD, further exploration of PD -related metabolic liver disease clinically appears warranted. |
9. | Linear lichen planus: two case reports Gülhan Gürel, Sevinç Şahin, Emine Çölgeçen doi: 10.5505/anatoljfm.2018.25633 Pages 41 - 44 Lichen planus is an idiopathic inflammatory skin disease which affects the skin, mucosa, nails, and hairs of middle aged individuals. Linear lichen planus (LLP) is a rare variant of lichen planus characterized by pruritic, lichenoid appearance, violaceous-color papules in a linear pattern. About 0.24 to 0.62% of patients with lichen planus have been reported to have linear lichen planus. In cases with lichen planus, linear lesions can be post-traumatically seen as widespread generalized eruptions (Koebner phenomenon) and as zosteriforms on herpes infection as the Wolf’s isotopic response. However, LLP indicates the presence of spontaneous LLP lesions which follow Blaschko’s lines without any previous association with trauma or herpes infection. Herein, we present two cases with LLP and emphasize the rarity of these cases and the importance of linear lesions in the differential diagnosis. |