INTRODUCTION: In our study, we aimed to evaluate the vaccine-preventable diseases and viral serology status of residents to prevent all the potential risks.
METHODS: Referring to this study list dated 11/01/2014, 203 residents working in Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine were included in this study from the Department of Internal Medicine, Department of Surgical Medi-cal Sciences and Department of Basic Medical Sciences. A questionnaire that consisted of 27 questions was administered using the face to face interview method. Anti-HAV IgG anti-HBs, HBsAg, anti-HCV and anti-HCV levels were measured by COBAS/E- 601 device with ELISA method. Measles IgG, rubella IgG, mumps IgG were measured by VIDAS device with ELFA method at Selcuk University Faculty of Medicine Department of Microbi-ology laboratory. SPSS for Windows 21.0 statistical software was used in the analysis of all the data.
RESULTS: In this study, all of the residents’ HBsAg (n=203, 100%), anti-HCV and anti-HIV levels were normal and 9 (4.4%) of the residents were no immune to mumps. Of the residents; 3 (1.5%) were no immune to rubella. Of the residents; 21 (10.3%) were no immune to measles. Of the residents; 52 (25.6%) were no immune to hepatitis A. Anti-HBs antibody levels were measured range to 0.0-9.9 mIU/mL as 13 (6.4%) of the residents and ≥10 mIU/mL as 190 (93.6%). Of the residents; 13 (6.4%) were no immune to varicella. Vaccine declaration of the residents and their serology results compared by Kapaa test and the findings showed that low or negligible compliance for hepatitis B (ĸ=0.153 p=0.022) and found low intermediate compliance for hepatitis A (ĸ=0.217 p<0.001). There was no compliance vaccine declaration of the residents and their serology results for measles, rubella, mumps and varicella (p>0.05).
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: As a result, increasing compliance with the residents for safeguard measures, assessment of se-rological status before beginning the work, and then, the vaccine for the seronegative disease and in-house training to increase vaccine awareness are necessary.