Lymphedema is the swelling of a part of the body due to the accumulation of lymphoid fluid in the subcutaneous soft tissue as a result of abnormalities in lymphatic drainage. Primary lymphedema is thought to have a mixed genetic component that arises from the erroneous development of the lymphatic system, which is also responsible for the malfunction of the lymphatic system. This condition can be sporadic or genetic. In this case present a 25-year-old male patient. The patient reported a bite on his finger because of a poisonous fish at age 18 years. Afterwards, he reported marked lymphedema, which gradually and progressively spread from the left ankle to the left thigh. Then, the patient was diagnosed as primary lymphedema praecox and classified as stage 2. In this case report, it is aimed to elucidate the genetic disease associated with primary lymphedema and to expatiate on the management of this chronic disease.
Keywords: Lymphedema, genetic predisposition to the disease, early-onset Lymphedema